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  • Due to its unique qualities, such as lack of visible correlation with other assets, scarcity and high liquidity, gold is an ideal tool for long-term risk diversification.
  • The precious metal plays the role of both a luxury item and an indicator of status, as well as an effective investment tool that can provide a profit of up to 30%. The average annual rise in the price of gold is about 15%, which is comparable to the rate of growth in the value of securities of successful global companies.
  • The protective anti-crisis properties of the precious metal force investors to use it when financial risks increase and inflation threatens. However, the dual nature of gold, which is a commodity and an investment at the same time, allows it to generate income both during periods of economic recession and during periods of economic stability.



Gold is not used as a currency today, but its role as money makes it far superior to any modern currency.

  • Gold has been money for longer than any other currency in history.
  • One of the most important promises of money is that it serves as a long-term store of value. Gold fulfills this promise better than any fiat currency.
  • If you buy physical gold, you can hold it in your hand which you cannot do with most other investments.
  • Eternal. Real gold cannot be destroyed by fire, water, or even time. Gold is not prone to corrosion.
  • Rare: Gold is one of the rarest metals on earth.
  • Gold is easily converted into cash and can travel with you anywhere.
  • Physical gold is one of the most ideal forms for long-term wealth preservation.
  • Gold is perfect for your heirs as it will outlive any currency they may use in the future.



Why is it better to buy small gold bars?

Buying small gold bars does not compromise any of the major benefits of gold: they are portable, private, liquid and will be relevant forever.

  • Large bars do not imply divisibility into smaller ones. When you sell a large bar, you are liquidating a significant personal investment. It is more practical to sell multiple small bars to exchange the exact amount of gold for the exact amount of money you need.
  • More potential buyers. Not many investors can afford to buy a bar of, say, 5 or 10 g. There are more potential buyers for the purchase of small bars, light weight bars are more accessible. In fact, having some gold is better than not having it at all.
  • Reducing the risk of forgery. Counterfeiters prefer large bars as their cost is much higher.
  • There is no need to analyze the bar. The larger the bar, the more likely it is that the purity analysis will take longer prior to selling. The analysis adds additional costs, it is inconvenient and will delay payment.
  • Small bars are also a wonderful gift for any occasion.



Blockchain REAL GOLD 2.0

REAL GOLD 2.0 is a combination of the decentralized blockchain technology and the most ancient, reliable, value-adding and stable asset: gold.

The blockchain technology allows for a high level of transparency and ease of audit, and participants receive a permanent and immutable proof of ownership, a record of the entire supply chain and storage.

The advantage of using the public blockchain technology:

  • Scalability: Easy online distribution, deployment and network effects.
  • Speed: Almost instant settlement of trades and commission payments.
  • Transparency: Fully verifiable proof of gold bar reservation and transaction history.
  • Distributability: Resilient, secure and reliable network infrastructure.


  • The most progressive blockchain is TRON, it operates on the USDT stablecoin with 1 USDT = $1. It is the binding to the stablecoin that provides stable and secure operations and profits unlike smart contracts, which operate on coins whose exchange rate can fall or rise sharply.
  • The blockchain on which REAL GOLD USDT operates is one of the most reliable and secure, the bandwidth can withstand a load higher than any network today.

Advantages of REAL GOLD USDT:

  • The stablecoin is pegged to the value of the dollar;
  • Fixed profit and price fall protection;
  • Instant transactions.
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