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Leader Program of REAL GOLD 2.0 वापसी



The Leadership Program operates completely independently and runs in parallel with the Goldset Filling Program. This happens subject to a one-time payment by the program participant of 60 bars of 0.1 g each or upon activation of all Goldsets of the fourth level of cost. In this case, the partner activates the Leadership Program and moves to the 0th level of the career ladder. After that, with a personal recommendation to sell 180 bars to direct invited partners or in the case when 3 of its direct participants have activated all Goldsets of the 4th cost level, the partner moves to the 1st career level and the process of summing up the purchased bars with his entire accumulated structure is started . A partner who is at the 1st level of the career ladder begins to receive an income of 0.5 USDT from all sales in his structure.

The position and bonus reward under the Leadership Program depend solely on the results of your work and the work of your Partners, that is, on the number of bars purchased by your entire structure, which are evaluated in conventional units of career growth. For one ingot sold in his created structure, the Partner receives 1 conventional unit. Being already at the 1st level, all units are summed up, due to which there is a career growth in the Marketing Program. With each sale of ingots at any depth of the structural chain, there is an accumulation of units and growth in career levels and, accordingly, the income from the entire accumulated structure increases.


For each new sale of gold bars carried out after your personal consultation, you receive a commission, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the career level at which you are.


Partner level 1st. The tariff for 1 unit is 0.5 USDT. Purchased during this period 60 ingots and credited accordingly 60 units. 1 ingot = 1 unit.


0.5 USDT X 60 units = 30 USDT.
Affiliate commission is 30 USDT

Leadership Reward:

The management fee is the difference between the estimated rate of your position and the rate of the position of the Partners directly managed by you, based on the results of their sales of gold bars.


  • Your Level 2nd. Tariff for 1 unit 0.9 USDT
  • Downstream partner level 1. Tariff per unit 0.5 USDT
  • Sold for the accounting period of the total production of 60 units by the structure of the downstream Partner


60 units multiplied by the difference between your rate of (0.9 USDT - 0.5 USDT) and the rate of the downstream Partner

60 units x 0.4 USDT = (24 USDT).

Your Tier 2 Partner Commission for structure management will be 24 USDT

The calculation was made based on the total of one Partner at the 1st level.

Terms of the leader program "QUICK START":

Provided that the Partner enters the Leadership Program at the 1st level within 30 days from the moment of account activation, the Partner receives income for all his direct sales of bullion +0.5 USDT for a given period of time.

Withdrawal of funds for the Leadership Program is carried out automatically to the wallets of program participants within 7 days after the accumulation of the amount of 100 USDT.


  • For the sale of one gold bar in the entire developed structure, regardless of the location in Goldet, higher partners with the 1st career level earn 1 unit per career.
  • Accrual of leadership rewards and enrollment of units occurs when buying gold bars.


Level 0 In the event of a personal sale of 180 bars or the closing of all Goldsets by 3 direct participants in the program, the total production of the entire created structure is credited. The participant moves to the 1st level of the program.
Buying 60 gold bars or activating all 4 Goldset cost levels.
Level 1
from 180 to 500 bars
Level 2
from 500 to 1500 bars
Level 3
from 1500 to 5000 bars
Level 4
from 5000 to 15000 bars
Level 5
from 15000 to 50000 bars
Level 6
from 50000 to 150000 bars
Level 7
from 150000 to 500000 bars
Level 8
from 500000 to 1500000 bars


Level 1 - Consultant-Representative

  1. Self-preparation, participation in online conferences
  2. Sales and cooperation with Manager and Senior Manager

Level 2 - Manager

  1. Participation in online conferences. Participation in local conferences and those organised on other locations
  2. Work with first-level partners
  3. Sales and cooperation with Senior Manager

Level 3 - Sales Manager

  1. Participation in online conferences. Participation in local conferences and those organised on other locations
  2. Support to first- and second-level partners
  3. Sales of programs together with first- and second-level partners

Level 4 - Structure Leader

  1. Support to third-level partners
  2. Supervising talks on sales of downstream partners
  3. Cooperation with Regional Manage
  4. Work in the network
  5. Participation in local conferences and those organised on other locations

Level 5 - Regional Manager

  1. Support to forth-level partners
  2. Participation in local conferences and those organised on other locations
  3. Preparation for and active participation in conferences
  4. Cooperation with Regional Director
  5. Participation in internet workshops for training network leaders

Level 6 - Regional Director

  1. Support to fifth-level partners
  2. Preparation for and active participation in online conferences
  3. Organizing of and giving presentations on local and regional conferences
  4. Cooperation with the Director-in-Charge
  5. Participation in internet workshops for training structure leaders

Level 7 - Executive Director

  1. Support to sixth-level partners
  2. Preparation for and active participation in online conferences
  3. Organising of and giving presentations on local and regional conferences
  4. Preparation and organising of corporate conferences
  5. Participation in internet workshops for training structure leaders

Level 8 - Sales Director

  1. Control of networks
  2. Support to seventh-level partners
  3. Organising online conferences
  4. Giving presentations on and organising of corporate conferences
  5. Participation in Internet workshops for training structure leaders
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